Riverview Hoops
2019 Registration is now open for our 8th annual Summerfest event held again this year on the grounds of Riverview Middle School 45 Devere Rd Riverview NB.
This years date is for the event will be Saturday June 29th and Registration will be $60/team - REGISTER BY JUNE 7TH!!. The tournament will run from 9am-5pm Rain or Shine! All proceeds support the Riverview High School Basketball program.
For more information on placing a team or looking to sponsor please contact the committee by email at riverview3on3@live.com .
Male and Female Divisions
Mini (ages 10-12, born 2007-2009)
Bantam (ages 13-14, born 2005-2006)
Midget/Juvenile ( ages 15-17, born 2002-2004)
Open (ages 18+, born 200 or earlier
Registration fees payable by cash or check (made payable to RHS basketball booster club) or email transfer to riverview3on3@live.com (password basketball). Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of payment, sorry no refunds.